
Crazy and contradict thoughts: 

A little angry why I don't have many followers, while I forgot this planed to be no people to follow me. A place where I can speak whatever I like and want to say.


Awful day:

Knowing I should let the Lord to do His things, and should not have any temper to everything that facing forward. Allowing the barrier from someone to affect my goal and dream is kind of stupid. Allowing she done this to me, which was me stupid. I shall just leave it behide and walk the way I shall walk to. 

Making clear what I desire to do and to be, then go stright. 

I shall able to change my position, allowing myself have more oppertunities and do more things; more than just this job in my life. Therefore, I can extend self's limitation. 

Here is my plan:

1) applying jobs that can learn more, decoding and solving problems, using and learning new skills, who willing to give new people oppertunity to learn and having right communication scheme. 

What am I having now? organising skill, time managing skill, passion and pataint, analysing skill and problem solving skills, marketing and managing skills. 

However, they are what I thought, but now what people thought.

2) Using English way to think everything. I found this way can make me think things even clearer. Strange hum, I know, but that who I am. Perhaps I was fully thought in the language but not in Chinese, therefore, I cannot think or react proper in Chinese but good in English; both in emotion or speaking. I do not mind if other people will think why I respon so slow. If they can accept here they are, if not, I am so sorry. 

3) Community colleage has very different from student colleage. Some of rules that applied in student colleage perhaps unable to use in community colleage tho. Taiwanese community's rules has different with UK's as well. It is hard to change my mind-set, however, if I am gonna live here for awhile, they I should do so, otherwise, thinking a way to move back the UK or everywhere else, and get paid.

4) I was being stupid. In past a year, I used my mind too much and drink too much so hate to use my mind to think and figer out things, however, that somehow could be the better way for me to gain money, after working this job. I still need time to prove it, so I should do some works to see if it is ture. 

5) I thought someone using Chinese to type their blog, but living aborad. I do not know how they able to do so, but that what me going to learn. Improve Chinese expression, and also well temper control, EQ control.

Perhaps thinking in English is a way to help me clam down from anger, because I would require more brain space and rational to think things for writing down. 

No matter what, here my plan is. I am looking forward to do so. 


Wrote by Lisa @ 19 March 2012

    創作者 LiyaLiyaLiya 的頭像

    Memory collecting to search for real me.

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